


Microsoft Integration

You can now seamlessly integrate your Microsoft Outlook account and create meetings directly within your Outlook calendar. Learn more...
Outlook App for Scheduling Salesroom Meetings
You can create and schedule your Salesroom meetings directly within your Outlook Calendar with just one click. Here's how it works:
  • Click on the 'Salesroom' button
    : Find this button in your Outlook Calendar after integrating with Salesroom and installing the app.
  • Fill in the meeting details
    : Input details such as time, date, and participants.
  • Confirm your meeting
    : Confirm your details, and voila! Your meeting will sync with Salesroom.
The meeting details will automatically incorporate a Salesroom meeting link, making it easier than ever for your attendees to join the virtual salesroom at the scheduled time.
Alternative to the Outlook App for Scheduling Salesroom Meetings
If you want to use something other than the Outlook App, you can also use your Personal Link or invite as a participant, both of which will create a Salesroom meeting link in your calendar invite for you. Learn more...
Access Salesroom via your Microsoft Account
You can now sign up and sign in using your Microsoft account. This simplifies the registration and login process, offering a secure and fast way to access your Salesroom platform besides email.